Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Is It Hard to Get a Mortgage?

I know that you have all heard that it is tough to get a mortgage approved. Well it is, but mostly it is common sense regulations that are designed to create good mortgages for good borrowers and home owners. The kicker is that so many of my so called peers at my competitors don’t know what they are doing. They are driving their clients insane. They don’t answer their questions and if the news is not good they don’t deliver the message, much less solve the problem.

I and my team pride ourselves in recognizing and solving issues. We don’t bat 100%, but we do well if I do say so. Every month we wind up saving someone’s purchase or refinance when some other lender just didn’t know what to do. My 27 years is good for something. :)

Email me at or call me at 615-777-4663 for more info or to chat about it.

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