Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Protecting Your Identity

We take all the necessary steps to guard your personal information... and so should you. If your holiday plans include purchasing a new home, be sure to include protecting your identity as an item on your "making a list and checking it twice" agenda. The effects of identity theft can damage your credit rating and impair your ability to obtain financing.

While you're trekking through the malls or cruising websites looking for great holiday bargains, it may be difficult to remember that not everyone around you is as caught up in the holiday spirit as you are. Some of your fellow shoppers may actually be identity thieves looking to parlay the season's hustle and bustle into an opportunity to steal your personal information and, ultimately, your money.

According to the website, it is estimated that as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. On average, it takes a victim an estimated $500 and 30 hours to resolve each incidence of identity theft. No one wants to lose that kind of money at any time of year, but those time and monetary costs can be even more stressful during the holidays.

"The holidays present a wealth of opportunity for identity thieves," says Heather Battison, TransUnion's senior director responsible for consumer education. "The hectic holiday season can potentially expose our personal information to theft in both high-tech ways like phishing scams, and in traditional ones, such as a stolen wallet or mail theft."

Proactive steps from TransUnion that may help minimize your exposure to identity theft during the holidays:

'Tis the Protect Your Identity

*Only carry essential documents with you; take your driver's license and the credit card or cards you intend to use that day. Do not carry your Social Security card, birth certificate or passport.

*Keep a close eye on your credit card bills. This is especially important during the holidays, when close attention can help you catch any charges you don't recognize on your statement.

*The holidays mean plenty of extra trash. Shred everything that contains personal, identifying information before throwing it out.

*When shopping online, look for businesses with websites that have some level of security measures in place to protect you. For example: before you provide any personal or payment information, look for a URL that begins with https (not http) and a lock emblem on the page, typically next to the address bar.

*Before you surf the net, consider changing your account passwords and keep a list of them in a secure place. Passwords and PIN numbers should be a random mix of letters, numbers and special characters, which makes it harder for identity thieves to guess.

Preventing identity theft is important year round and especially during the holidays. By taking steps to protect yourself, you can help ensure your holidays remain bright - and secure.

~From Foundation Title

Remember you can always reach me via email at or on the phone at 615-777-4663.  Happy New Year!

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