Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tennessee's a Desirable Place to Live!

A recently released Harris Interactive poll asked Americans where they would choose to live if they did not live in the state where they are now. 2,498 U.S. adults were surveyed online between August 10 and 18, 2009, and Tennessee made the top 10!

1. California

2. Florida

3. Hawaii

4. Texas

5. Colorado

6. Arizona

7. North Carolina

8. Washington state


10. Oregon

Of course, we already knew that it's great to be in Tennessee! So let's see. Interest rates are near record lows and prices for homes are rolled back to levels we saw 4 years ago.

Why haven't you called me yet at 777- HOME (4663) .

If you know someone in the market for a new home at the great terms available today please give them my number 777-home (4663) or e-mail and we will take care of it.

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